There are several theories about why dogs like rolling in the grass…

Dogs sometimes like to take a walk through the park in order to rub their back in the grass. If you are wondering why- there are several answers. Rolling in the grass serves them as a shower. That’s one of the ways how they clean themselves from pitch or bird feces on their back. Because of its harshness, dogs use grass as their own comb, even for tearing bunches of hair. Of course, this does not mean that they do not need a common combing. Another reason why dogs like to roll in the grass is the smell. When he smells the scent that masks his own body smell, the dog will roll to that place in order to leave his own smell. It’s an evolutionary habit of hunting. Rolling in the grass can also be used to remove unwanted scents from the hair, such as an unpleasant shampoo that irritates his skin. There is also a social role of dog’s rolling in the grass. Such behavior tells other members of the pack that their ‘friend’ has found something. In the end, all dogs love rolling because that makes them happy. A good and aromatic place for stretching and sunbathing is always interesting to them. The owner can easily notice how to evaluate why his pet rolls around and if he is doing it intensely, and not only in the grass but also in the house, he may have some parasite on his back. A relaxed dog that slowly turns from one side to the other is happy and satisfied.